Kundalini yoga Teacher training Level 1
Starting in March 2020


Weekend 1: March 2nd & 3rd - Foundation ( hari Karam Kaur)
Weekend 2: April 6th & 7th - Sound and Mantra:
Weekend 3: May 4th & 5th - Anatomy: (Sada sat Sangat)
Weekend 4: June 1st & 2nd Pranayama and Lifestyle: (Hari Krishan)
Weekend 5: July 7th & 8th Postures: (Amrit Singh)
Weekend 6: September 7th & 8th Meditation: Angad
Weekend 7: October 5th & 6th Humanology: Angad
Weekend 8: November 2nd & 3rd Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher:(Hari Karam kaur)
Weekend 9: December 7th & 8th - Death and Dying, Patanjali: ( Hari Krishan)
- Obtain a Kundalini Yoga Teaching Certificate recognized worldwide
- Gain a sound understanding of the fundamental nature, technologies and concepts of Kundalini Yoga
- Experience a transformation through the practice of Yogi Bhajan’s teachings and related lifestyle
- Develop the skills, confidence and consciousness required to become a teacher
- Develop a relationship with other participating students local teachers, and the 3HO community
- Develop a relationship with Yogi Bhajan as the Master of Kundalini Yoga, and link to the Golden Chain
COURSE CONTENT9 weekends and a 5 day residential Ashram Experience at Quinta do Rajo, Portugal. The topics and content of each module are provided below.
ENTRANCE CRITERIAThere are no concrete requirements for entry, however, if the student has little or no experience of Kundalini Yoga then entry will be based on the recommendation of one of the course tutors.
Equal Opportunities Policy: While honouring a policy of non-discrimination on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, religion, age or ethnicity the Karam Kriya School reserves the right to refuse entry to any students on grounds of general unsuitability and to refuse continuation of the course as a consequence of inappropriate or discriminatory behaviour.
CERTIFICATION CRITERIAStudents must satisfy the following criteria to qualify for certification:
Full payment of course fees by the 7th weekend.(installment policy)
Students must attend all the teaching sessions including the full Ashram Experience. Exceptional or special circumstances may result in a student completing the course by attendance at future KY teacher training programmes. Attendance at a minimum of 5 sadhanas on the training days. Note: maximum length of training to receive certification is 2 years from the start date – which provides the opportunity to catch up on missed weekends in the first year and to complete course requirements.
White Tantric Yoga:
In addition to the course criteria described below, the student is required to attend or have attended at least one day of White Tantric Yoga (in any country).
Additional Classes:
Students must record attendance at a minimum of 20 KY classes during the training period, independent of Yoga on the course.
Pass a satisfactory grade in the written or home exam.
- Complete a 40 day meditation and keep a journal of the experience and progress
- Design two separate course curricula
Essential Reading:
The Course Manual and two chapters from “The Master’s Touch” by Yogi Bhajan.
Location: Guru Gulam of JanaaYoga
Lindestraat 5, 9890 Dikkelvenne
Date : March 2nd & 3rd , April 6th & 7th , May 4th & 5th ,June 1st & 2nd,July 7th & 8th,September 7th & 8th
October 5th & 6th, November 2nd & 3rd , December 7th & 8th
5 days in Portugal Ashram Experience ( Dates to be confirmed)
Time: 2/03 Saturday ( 9.30 - 18.00)
3/03 Sunday ( Sadana 5:30 am, Class 9.30)
Terms and Condition and Fees
Teaching, Books, Asram experience in Portugal 5 nights,
- Except Travel
Exchange of Energy 3052 euros.
Registration before 30th January: 2400 euros ( BTW not included ) 21°/° extra
After : 2500 euros + BTW( if needed)
Part Payments 4
1st Payment 30th January 2019 650 euros
2nd Payment 30th April 650 euros
3rd Payment 30th July 650 euros
4th Payment 30th October 650 euros
5th Payment in 2020 Portugal 652 euros
*Accomodation : Are available on request