Children are the pillars of the nation.
It is important to invest time and energy in them to have a better tomorrow.
Children play a vital role in our life.
We are in the Aquarian Age, in this age everything will fall into pieces, Human race will face lot of challenges in their life.
Day to day life will be so hectic, Too much information, infact information overload, therefore we need the wisdom to deal with the information.
It is said that most selling drugs in the world will be depression pills.
Mother earth is under stress therefore we are under stress.
So it is important that we learn to prioritise our needs.
Like I said make time for your kids, help them to understand the life, prepare them for tomorrow.
Introduce them to Meditation, it will help them to face the challenges in their life.
Yoga helps to:
Strengthen Nervous System
Strengthen and balance Glandular system.
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Achieve Flexibility
Stronger Mind
Remain Calm during stressful situations
Children are the pillars of the nation.
It is important to invest time and energy in them to have a better tomorrow.
Children play a vital role in our life.
We are in the Aquarian Age, in this age everything will fall into pieces, Human race will face lot of challenges in their life.
Day to day life will be so hectic, Too much information, infact information overload, therefore we need the wisdom to deal with the information.
It is said that most selling drugs in the world will be depression pills.
Mother earth is under stress therefore we are under stress.
So it is important that we learn to prioritise our needs.
Like I said make time for your kids, help them to understand the life, prepare them for tomorrow.
Introduce them to Meditation, it will help them to face the challenges in their life.
Yoga helps to:
Strengthen Nervous System
Strengthen and balance Glandular system.
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Achieve Flexibility
Stronger Mind
Remain Calm during stressful situations